Meeting dates 2025-26: Thursday 10th April, Wednesday 14th May (plus Annual Meeting), Thursday 10th July, Thursday 9th October, Wednesday 14th January.
Please note that the May and January meetings are a day earlier than usual.
The Parish Council welcomes you to our community website and we hope that you find it useful.
The site is updated regularly so keep checking in.
Check out the most recent parish newsletter here.
Minutes of Parish Council meetings are available here, and the agenda for forthcoming meetings is published at least three clear days in advance. (Click on the date above to download the agenda.)
If you require documents in large print or to contact us for any reason, please contact the Parish Clerk, [email protected] 01765 689702
NB The Clerk's role is a part time position. Emails are checked regularly and will be responded to as soon as possible.
Please note that the May and January meetings are a day earlier than usual.
The Parish Council welcomes you to our community website and we hope that you find it useful.
The site is updated regularly so keep checking in.
Check out the most recent parish newsletter here.
Minutes of Parish Council meetings are available here, and the agenda for forthcoming meetings is published at least three clear days in advance. (Click on the date above to download the agenda.)
If you require documents in large print or to contact us for any reason, please contact the Parish Clerk, [email protected] 01765 689702
NB The Clerk's role is a part time position. Emails are checked regularly and will be responded to as soon as possible.