Parish Council Meetings
Meeting Calendar 2023-24The Parish Council meets four times a year for 'ordinary' meetings when a full agenda of business is considered. These meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October, while the annual meetings (see below) are held separately in May.
2023-24 Parish Council meeting dates
13th April 2023 11th May (Annual Meetings) 13th July 12th October 11th January 2024 Meetings are held at 7.00pm in the Reading Room.
The agenda for each meeting will be published here at least three clear days beforehand - usually the preceding Friday |
Attending a parish council meeting
Members of the public are welcome to all meetings to attend, hear the matters being considered, and take part during the public questions and comments item that is included near the beginning of each agenda. Members of the public may speak on any matter at the discretion of the Chair of the meeting.
As well as here, the agenda for each meeting is displayed on the Council's noticeboard, outside the village shop in Skelton-on-Ure.
As well as here, the agenda for each meeting is displayed on the Council's noticeboard, outside the village shop in Skelton-on-Ure.
Annual Meetings
The Parish Council holds two annual meetings, usually on the second Thursday in May. The first is the Annual Parish Council Meeting - a formal meeting which acts as the Council's AGM and deals with procedural matters including appointing a Chair for the forthcoming year and approving the previous year's accounting and governance review. The second is the Annual Parish Meeting - a meeting of the electors of the parish which offers an opportunity to come together and find out what's been happening during the past year. Community groups are invited to submit reports on their activities.